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The Magic of Aloe Vera Plant

By Faithlyn Scarlett

Aloe Vera, This little magically plant which can be grown almost anywhere with the help of a little sunlight and water, holds an abundance of health and beauty benefits, it's no wonder it's found so much in beauty and cosmetic products. Packed with a ray of vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E.  Rich in folic acid, potassium, calcium and iron it shocking that more and more people aren't devouring this plant by the tons due to it's ability to improve your skin elasticity, radiance, improve oxygen levels in the blood and providing a good detox.  The trick is to finds ways to get over the incredible bitter taste, and I know  trust me, as a child my father would make me take a spoonful every morning before school. Yes I was kicking a screaming.

For the skin you can apply the gel from the aloe vera plant directly to your face and allow to dry.  This will give the skin added softness as well as providing tons of anti- aging benefits.  Aloe plant is also great at aiding in burns and accelerates the skin ability to repair it self faster.

For health purposes- using it as a tea is such an easy way to incorporate it into your diet. simply slice a small piece and add it to hot water, add a little sweetner to off set the bitterness. Another great option is to add it to your favorite smoothies. By doing this in no time you will experience more vitality in your skin and overall wellness.

see our line of products containing aloe vera

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