Ever since the new year started I've been feeling some type of way, at first I couldn't even put it into words, just awkward , like my energy was off, in a fogg almost. So I started this detox as a way to get back intune, to realign my mind, body and soul.
Here you will find the steps I am taking on this journey.
wake up at least one hour earlier in the morning, this time is dedicated just for you. Pray and meditate for 20-30 mintues. if you don't have a dedicated area for this create on, mines is just a carpet, with some throw pillows and books close by. If you are a crystals lover like myself, hold your crystal in each hand while meditating.
When you are finish meditating write down how you feel, your thoughts.
Next make a smoothie from fresh fruits, get some moringa powder, apple cider vinegar and spirulina. These are super nutritous foods, that adds a ton of vitamins, minerals, protein and amino acids to your daily food intake and boost your energy. Add a tea-spoon of one of these superfood in your smoothie each day.
Get ready as usually, each day you will have a practing principle, a word you would keep in mind as you journey thought your day, they will be listed at the bottom of this article.
For the next 21 days you would try to remain from eating meat, if you must, let it be chicken and fish as these two meats are the easiest to digest. You can substitue meat with kidney beans, avocado, organic eggs etc, also look online for easy meat-free meals to prepare. lunch should be the same. Adding more fruits and veggies in this time frame.
Reframe from gossiping and watching TV that isn't inspiring, read more in this time.
Before Bed
Bathtime- Exfoliate each night, whether you choose to shower or take a bath each night is up to you, in this time you will pay close attention to each individual part of your body, saying a loving affirmation as you exfoliate and cleanse it, ( thank you arm for allowing me to write, to cook a meal for my family, thank you womb for carrying my children, thank you legs for holding me up everywhere that I go ect) when you are finish write how you feel your thoughts. pray and be grateful for all the good that happened throughout the day.
A special treat- get some fresh roses and add the rose pedals to your bath water, along with cut lemons and orange slices. Citrus adds vitamin C to your skin.
Rest and repeat next day.
Practing Principles
Day 1- Boundaries are ok ( understand that it's okay to set boundaries to protect your inner peace)
Day 2- I am ( make a list of I am's and repeat them throughout the day ( I am beautiful, I am loving, I am creative, I am healthy, I am abundant)
Day 3 - forgive( we can not heal if we hold on to all the pain from our past, if someone has hurt you, secretly write them a letter and bury it or burn it and say I release this pain, you will no longer hold space of hate in my heart, I release you will love)
Day 4- mindfulness ( be mindful of your words and actions these thing impact your life)
Day 5- Time ( time is all we have, realize how you are spending your time or lack of, if there's something you want to work on start taking the time and steps to achieve those goals.
Day 6- Gratitude ( be grateful for everything you have, gratitude is the great amplifier)
Day 7- celebrate you ( do something extra special for yourself today, buy some flowers, buy a cake just to celebrate you)
Day 8- Self belief ( believe in your self, the mind that can believe it can achieve it)
Day 9- Non-judgement ( try not to judge anyone in this time, we all have been in places and situations that hasn't been so good for us, and as Maya Angelou said when you know better you do better)
Day 10-trust ( trust yourself, trust the process of life)
Day 11- Laughter ( don't forget to laugh, have fun)
Day 12- Peace ( let your heart be peaceful, practice thing that brings you peace)
Day 13- non-resistance ( sometimes we just have to go with the flow, what are you resisting today, what would happen if you just let it be)
Day 14- Celebrate you ( do something extra special for yourself today, buy some flowers, buy a cake just to celebrate you)
Day 15- Balance ( It's hard to juggle so much things at once, today try to focus on one task at a time)
Day 16- Step out your comfort zone ( we all have one, today just do something you normally wouldn't do something small and see how it feels you never know it could open your world up to something very special
Day 17-love ( love yourself more, spread love to others, even a smile is a sign of showing love)
Day 18- Giving ( give something to someone unexpectedly it doesn't have to be big, a little of your time, a hug, a dollar etc)
Day 19- Celebrate you ( do something extra special for yourself today, buy some flowers, buy a cake just to celebrate you)
Day 20- Celebrate you( do something extra special for yourself today, buy some flowers, buy a cake just to celebrate you)
Day 21- Celebrate you( do something extra special for yourself today, buy some flowers, buy a cake just to celebrate you)
The last three days are focus on celebrating you, We don't celebrate ourselves enough of which I am also guilty of.