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Surviving dry winter skin

The change to winter can bring some wonderful things, like wearing comfy sweaters, cozying up to a warm fire place, but the change in the weather can wreak havoc on our skin.  Often times our skin becomes extremly dry, chapped, itchy and sometimes even painful to the touch.  What causes this unseen event?  as the temperature drops moisture is diminished from the air making our skin dry. Its up to us to figure out how to keep our skin well hyrated and looking it's best.

To get started always drink the correct amount of water, dehyrated skin on top of dry skin is no joke. 8-10 glasses as recommended depending on your weight. 

Next step choose a good exfoliating tool such as a loofah, loofahs are great at shedding dead skin cells to reveal a more youthful glow. Opt for an exfoliating body scrub, make sure this scrub adds real moisture to your skin.  Which means once you have used it the softness of your skin should change immediately. 

Lastly choose a thick moisturizer to lock in and seal the skin.  A great choice is moisturizers rich in butters, such as shea butter, mango butter, cocoa butter and rich oils such as avocado oil and grapeseed oil, these oils contains rich omega 3,6 and 9 that nourish and maintain the elasticity and suppleness.

Follow these tips to survive dry winter skin.

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