WHAT IT DOES: Tightens and tones the vagina TELL ME MORE: The word Yoni means sacred temple, it's the gateway in which all life forms are born. The more we understand this concept that our wombs are a sacred place the more we treat it as such. Our wombs hold on to every pain we have ever experienced. This egg is an amazing tool that helps heal our wombs from past trauma but also tones the lower abdomen and stengthens the pelvis muscles. When these muscles are strong they create a vital force and sexual energy. JUST FOR YOU: using this egg will do the following Increase control over the vaginal muscles Awakening your creative engery, libido and passion Gain control of the pelvis muscles Becoming alot more orgasmic Give alot of pleasure to your man and help him with ejaculation control These eggs are GIA certified. BLOODSTONE HIGHLIGHTS-protects from deception, increase mental clarity, courage and stength of mind. Used to balance the lower chakras with the heart. Balances the entire body in order to overcome any distress or anxiety. Protects from danger. HOW TO USE: These yoni eggs are drilled which allows you to tie a string for easy removal.( string provided with each egg) Since these are crystals and carry healing benefits it's a great idea to set your intentions before inserting the egg. You can lay flat on your back and Insert the yoni egg or you can stand up, which ever position feels more comfortable for you. Once you have inserted the yoni egg you would just continue with your day as usual squeezing the pelvic muscles at intervals. . You can also start off with just a couple of hours until you become comfortable enough to wear all day. Frequently asked questions What size egg should I start off with? The idea is to start with the largest egg and work your way down to the smallest, if you don't want to start with the largest one you can choose the medium. How long should I keep the egg in? You can keep the egg in all day if you choose to. If you're just starting off and not yet comfortable with keep it in all day, you can just do it for couple of hours per day. Is it hard to get the egg out? No, we only sell the drilled eggs which has a hole at the top so you can insert a string for easy removal. Can I leave the egg in during intercouse? Yes, it adds to the erotic experience but is completely up to the individuals involved. Does each crystal have different benefits? Yes, we've listed each all benefits per crystal under the egg. What should I do first once I recieve my egg? Each yoni egg is fully charged, you can gently wash it with our all natural Treasured Moments Feminine wash or plain water, it's good to set your intentions, insert yoni egg and carry on with your day as usual squeezing at intervals as throughtout the day. or you can meditate after insertion. Can I sleep with the egg in? Yes.